Tuesday, 9 September 2014

What.the.F! Going Through Quarter-life Crisis.

It feels like I'm walking around in circles.
When is life going to feel like it's supposed to?
Seems like everyone has it all figured out.
What do I want for my life?
It's like I'm stuck with this routine forever.
What am I doing with my life?

Do any of these statements sound familiar? Do you find yourself asking the same questions? 

I answered Yes to both. I've been told I'm going through a quarter- life crisis. 

Wait, what?

Quarter-life crisis, as defined by Wikipedia, is a period of life usually ranging from the late teens to the early thirties, in which a person begins to feel doubtful about their own lives, brought on by the stress of becoming an adult.

So basically, it's mid-life crisis in your twenties. 

A few tell-tale signs that you're having your quarter life crisis:

  • Comparing how your friends' lives seem better than yours.
  • A feeling of disconnection from your life and everyone.
  • You feel stuck between staying in your comfort zone or taking a wild plunge.
  • Brooding over all of the things you were supposed to accomplish by the time you're 29 or 30.
  • Wanting to try something different but do nothing because of indecision.
  • Feeling a sense of impending doom that you're becoming a failure.
  • You feel emotionally and mentally trapped that you have no control over your life. 
  • Dreading that you're getting old and thus running out of time to do the things you want.
  • Realizing that the real world is not what it's cracked up to be.
  • Regretting the fact that you wanted to be a grown-up.

I've been asked why I've gotten a degree and not practice it. I've been asked if I'm currently happy with what I'm doing. I've been asked if I love my job. I've been asked if I ever have plans of getting married.
I don't know was all I could think of. 
The ugly truth wash over me like a bucket of ice cold water down my spine. As much as I hate to say it, I knew I was stuck. 
Where, I don't know. 
All I know is that I wake up, go to work, get paid, budget bills, go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. And as I drink my morning coffee, I can't help but taste failure. Then every time, I tell myself that things will get better tomorrow. But same routine goes on. For how long?
I don't know. 
I don't what my purpose in life is. I'm stuck in a rut and feels like a very deep one. 

And I knew I needed to get out.

So I did what a modern person of the internet world would do.

What we need to know about Quarter-life Crisis:

1. It is a rite of passage. 
You are most definitely not alone. Embrace the fact that everyone goes through one. It doesn't make you inferior, it makes you human.

2. Don't be too hard on yourself. 
Your life is just getting started and you're bound to commit mistakes. Life is trial and error and no one's perfect.

3. Stop comparing yourself.
Each one of us has our own journey to travel. Your path may not be the same as theirs.

4. Stop settling for less.
Walk away from anything that no longer makes you happy or grow even if it's setting you back a pace or two. Because if you don't, chances are, you'll live your life at a standstill. 

5. Don't attempt to overthink everything in your life.
Overthinking makes you paralyzed by indecision. Do what you feel like doing. Oh wells are better than what ifs.

So, let's all go out there and enjoy life as it should be spent. 

Photo credits go to respective owners.

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